6 Deadly WordPress SEO Mistakes

WordPress SEO mistakes result in poor Google rankings. Things like optimization and set up determine how powerful a site will be. Most people are in a hurry and careless when building WordPress sites. Avoiding these deadly WordPress SEO mistakes improves traffic to your blog or website. In this discussion you will be able to learn about deadly things that you need to avoid in WordPress SEO. Implementations of these recommendations will improve reliability, functionality and presentation of your website.
WordPress SEO Mistakes

Absence of XML Sitemap

An XML sitemap acts like a table of content for your website. It indicates the number and status of your website pages. This sitemap provides Google with information regarding changes in page content. Absence of an XML map can cause Google to miss some pages when the site is being indexed. A page which is not linked to any other page on the website runs the risk of being skipped. Building an XML sitemap includes all pages in the website that want to be indexed. It also provides information about how often you wish Google to re-index the page.

Omitting Keywords and Poor Blog Posts

Google likes to see sites with target keywords within the page name. It is not that critical but it adds more marks when it comes to page ranking. Another mistake involving keywords is when valuable keywords are used with poor blog posts. When a competitive keyword is used with an ordinary blog post, then search engine ranking will most likely be low.

Not Linking Between Blog Posts

Web page optimization is a very fundamental SEO practice. This is closely followed by need to link page content. It is always a good practice to do a research on relative content. You should visit these web pages and link them to your content. This increases link juice and guarantees Google indexing.

Neglecting Word Press SEO Plugin

WordPress plugins help in page optimization. It’s good to have at least one plugin installed. These tools allow you to focus on target keywords. A Word Press SEO plugin analyzes user’s content to ensure that it’s well optimized. It then provides feedback about areas that need to be resolved.

Absence Google Authorship

A Google authorship is characterized by a picture being attached to a search result. Content is linked to the site owner even when they write it on another site. Apart from branding, it helps to improve click through rate.

Indexing Wrong Pages

There are other pages in Word Press that shouldn’t be indexed. Pages that provide no value to the page visitor need not be indexed. A good site should have an XML sitemap and at least one WordPress SEO plugin installed.


Eliminating these deadly WordPress SEO mistakes allows Google to find the page content. Things like linking competitive words with poor blog posts are detrimental to page rankings. The page name should also contain the target keywords. These keywords should also be linked together to ensure an all-round indexing by Google. Pages that add no value on search results should be omitted. Setting up Google authorship also improves page rankings significantly.

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